Database Search

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By name of weed

Alternately, you may browse by common name or browse by scientific name.

By County

(Note that we do not have distribution data for all weeds.)

By New Mexico noxious weed classification

Note that not all weeds have a classification, and there may be weeds on the NM list that are not in our database.

NM Noxious Weed Classification

Show weeds whose NM noxious weed classification is:

Species currently are not present, or have limited distribution in the state; preventing new infestations and eradicating current infestations is a high priority.
Species are limited to portions of the state. In areas that are not infested, weeds should be treated as Class A; in infested areas, containment and prevention of spread are the priority.
Species are widespread throughout the state. Management decisions should be made at a local level based on the feasibility of control and level of infestation.